I can recall being told as a thirteen-year-old that I ought not to spend much time on school work. It was of no value and Armageddon would be here anyway before I left school. But I did leave school before Armageddon - and became a pioneer - but I also began to read books I shouldn't read. Like Russell's Studies in the Scriptures and Rutherford's crazy stuff. And it all fell apart. Eventually - after being disfellowshipped - I went to university. And I loved it, I did post graduate study. And the University of Durham even supervised my research into the origins of the Watch Tower movement.
Armageddon will be here before I leave school? I've worked a whole career since being told that one and now I'm retired and getting on with a new career as a writer. So what do I think of the advice that the Wise Old Men of Brooklyn gave me? It was crap.